Tea and Spinach
Competitive bodybuilding may not be your typical retirement activity, but 67-year-old Wayne St. Pierre says he’s never felt better.
St. Pierre began bodybuilding when he was 32, but decided to kick it up a notch and begin competing once he retired. He couldn’t think of any better way to maintain his health into his old age.

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (09/11/14) – Wayne St. Pierre takes a moment to calm his breath between workouts at Good Life Fitness in Belleville, Ont. Photo by Graeme Murphy
However, he didn’t account for how the large crowds and lack of clothing associated with competitive bodybuilding would make him feel.
St. Pierre was invited to an open mic night one evening at the Codrington Community Centre with his family. When they asked him to play a song he was hesitant at first, but later decided to embrace it as competition preparation.

CODRINGTON, Ont. (10/11/14)- Dancers at the Codrington Community Centre take advantage of the live music to spend time with friends and spouses at open mic night. Photo by Graeme Murphy
“Then I got thinking, if I could perform here, it might help me pose on stage for body building competitions.”
St. Pierre loves competing and performing, and has no intentions of stopping either. He says he plans on bodybuilding until he dies.
“Don’t let anyone ever tell that you can’t. I hate that word. I said I can and I do. Simple as that.”